26 October 2010

The Wanton Leaf

A despicable man was ripped apart in the court yard bay today
his flesh and bone was torn and stained a tone they had not known of scarlet red
his never-to-be-scars let dead men wince for the first time at a so called prince
or a so called king - a so called savior these fools would sing
These switchocrites used to sing "Hosanna!"
and fan the palm branches like his steed was majestic
Donkeys make Me sick

They used to praise him at his feet and drool behind him like a beggar in the street
and now they stand along side Me screaming his name
My same profanities as this self-proclaimed Christ is wrenched to his broken knees
But amongst all his delicious, draining, drenching brown blood
and delightful, dirty, divine broken bones
his red has stained in torment
and yet is to come still the main event

A humming is rising over the morning horizon
Waxing and kindled from embers of rage
at this thespian on a roman stage
painted a royal red with a sharpened crown on his royal head
hearing only one voice being said

his sisters and brothers - his pains true lovers
uncovering what's been held under their hearts
All ready to explode and start the show
and rip his soul apart - and fold his bones
and lift up their garden's stones - and throw them with all the might they have
but no
From crimes as his - disgustingly thin and cold as sin
No - his death deserves far so more
and we all know what it is
and we chant its hymn
what we've been dying to cry
Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him!
he's finally moving now! Barely moving now
he's so pathetic and weak - creeping up to Skull Peak
Dragging himself under a splintering plank
I'd take the iron and nail him to it myself if I could
How ironic to combine a carpenter to a column of wood
What a beautiful way to look back on how the fallen once stood
on such deceitful ground - mesmerizing the crowd
with magic and illusion and mud

But now what a tragic transfusion of blood from his vein to the floor
like a stoned down whore
I'm surprised he's lived this long
I'm shocked he's made it this far
But now he's maimed and unrecognizable and broken and scarred
and the closer to the hill he gets - the heavier the people gets raving
And to myself I smile as the thought sits of how
this savior needs saving

Our moment of truth has been awaiting
And now here she is - opening the gate and singing
bringing this man to utter pain
shaving a lion's mane - slaughtering a lamb already slain

A dream I had dreamed of being the butcher is coming to light
Forming before Me a line up Skull's Climb
leading to the end of this wretch's life
laying on two trees - on a limb to die
So excited I'm shaking with dance
We all get a swing at the nails in his hands!

I'm twitching - I'm antsy - This opportunity thrives my fancy
Closer and closer and louder - the metallic sound of the hammer's howl
The tempo rocks My heartbeat's pound
One by one - all before Me - laying all of themselves out on this striking
My insides spiking like a tossing sea
And then I was relayed the tool to drive the stake and splinter the branch
and shake the ground with as hard of a strike as My body would allow

My eyes spin red - and foam is sliding down My chin
My grin is gritted - And my heart is fitted with rage
and filled to the gauge
This is about to happen
I rose pale knuckles
and had My view shaking on one spot
As My veins boiling and chest exploding
My eyes were caught - and my heart stopped
Frozen still I dropped

he drew my insides out through my gaping eyes
for His was as beautiful as His father's sky
All hatred - all rage - all fury - all fire
all my desire to strike was drifting away down the hill
in our silent moment
In His quiet eyes that attached themselves to mine
He whispered a question down me and asked

Didn't You know - why i'm laying here on this carpenter's bed
with a cold steel keeping me weeping
Why i wear the world's sandals
and strolled up this mountain with splinters in my shoulder
with an ocean of water and words from my people
draining out the chasms in my back that cats scratched out
and laughed about
Why there was a crown fashioned that i placed upon my head
that tore my skin until I bled
Why I was captured in the dark in the olive park
while just spending time with my father
Why there in the brush there was a rush of my veins through my pours
onto the floor where I was betrayed

Why don't you realize why i am where i am
Why i am who i am - Why i'm doing what i'm doing
i'm doing this for You
i'm tortured and bent and all spent - for You
so You dont die and die and die forever
Be my son - drop Your life off this cliff and carry Your own cross behind me
be crucified here next to me and You can be with me tomorrow in paradise

I AM the Sun that is the light of the day
I AM the road that is the way
I AM the truth
I AM the blood that is life
I AM - for I love you

How such beauty mine eyes never seen
A perfect stark lamb would be trampled taint for me
someone so ugly and unforeseen to anything worth meaning
i sought out the lamb - in murder i was gleaming
i took the lilly and drowned it under - I took the horizon and drained its color

The song so sang how sweet the sound
was ruined and maimed by wretch like me
Darkened and lost but now so found
my eyes had gone - now, see

See before me my missing Father as flesh
Submitting a resignation for religious posh
About to be finished for life - for all ever to live forever
As i realized - my minute hand shaking reached out - mute
But i was late and missed out
Our eyes drew away and apart
and seven sizes grew my heart

i loved Him and wanted Him next to me
Not hung from a deadly redwood tree
with my despicableness blanketing His pureness
my purelessness drapped heavy across His righteousness
His Father can't even bare the wicked man standing before all man kind
hands opened to hold the burden of all wrong ever mine

Arms stretched the horizon - looking for an impossible hug
Knowing it will never come
Still knowing i leaped the tower and clutched our hour of shame
and wept His name - and cursed my name

i bit the nails wedged in His standing coffin
and cracked my teeth trying to pull them out
i split my tissue trying to bring Him off
Pulling with any pathetic might i had left
i shook the tree violently - screaming
It began to rain on me again - apples from the heart of a man
and my body became still

Each drip of life made my dead skin come alive
Red rain washing down my corps
covering what has always been and dying
and opening a brand new door

i looked up from the eroding floor at a ransacked man
Who from Him bore a path to walk of light and salt
who's end is love that is ever more

A beautiful man was ripped apart in the court yard bay yesterday
His flesh and bone was worn as to atone
all sheep who've lost and found as dead

If ever there was a greater prince stead
His followers fools to dance and sing but to this final King of Kings
who took the world on His shattered back
and His back the lightless knife was stabbed

But such a deed was all for me - for my little life - for little me
Underneath this rotting redwood tree
He poured all it down
His love for Me

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