26 October 2010

Touch the Light in Troubled Lives

Sense the wind through the leaved towers. The day flower has long gone.
Rise to the flutters of different shades of green.
Be raised to the heights and :touch: the lights in troubled lives.

Do not :smell: the material world roses, only disgust

do not :hear: the neighbors laughter, only silent cries
do not :taste: the snack packs and popcorn, only the moldy bread
do not :see: the stellar sky, only the lights of troubled lives...

:Breathe: in the blessing roof top and gorgeous surrounding nature and loved ones or likewise, do not :smile: only :sigh:

:Feel: nourished with thanks - these do not come by often for them.

A stranger walks by the passing car and :sighs:

knows he walks down the alley cat narrow to his broken home. his daughter :tears: apart with tears, appeared from a mind lacking the nature and love from both and to both of.
The car, the house, the roof blessing - soon disappeared.

:Sigh: for a world not perfect but do not be hopeless

this blue sea of fire is touched through those who feel the love.

big_daddy cares and fills the empty beating...be :touch:ed and :feel:

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