26 October 2010

Lost [Bound]

When I stood eye-high in mud and fire,
when I was drowning - where were you?
When all I wanted was to ignite my desire
to reach out for another breath in your hands,
where were you?
When I barely made it out alive, singed and standing, demanding an explanation for my fallen expectation that you would be there,
where were you? Where were you to be found?
When weeping and screaming ripped apart my soul without a sound?
When every tower I finally built up again
came swiftly back down?
When my round world was being shoved into a box hole,
by me,
trying to create a shape out of my soul that was not the right fit?
And so it was written that you would never leave or forsake me so
Were you enjoying a frozen, golden throne at the highest mount
while I was sitting, and you broke my chair down?
Were you sipping on an ice cold water from the most satisfying spring
while I was searching the end of my world for just one taste, of just one drink?
Were you singing your favorite song for your own ears
while my own were full of tears from silence, manifested by my own fear?
Were you looking away from my blue eyes filled with a salty ocean,
searching for something...anything.
At my last hope and my final wonder of, "Where are you?"
... I gave up and let go

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