26 October 2010

Love Enough

How's it going?
:shrug: You know...
Hey, what's the matter?
No big deal - I guess I feel like my heart's been shattered...
Oh no! What happened?!
It's my sin I'm still wrapped in.
I can't seem to get away
and pain keeps over my every day.
I dont want to be this way -
maybe i should go away...
No way! Don't leave yet.
I'm here to listen and let you talk if you need it.

Don't you see?!
Can't you read me?
Leave me be!
Or I'll end up hurting you too -
it seems to be something I tend to do.
It's okay - I'm here to help
You can't change these cards I was dealt!
You can't take me off the shelf!
You can't remove the shadows in my heart
and you can't give me a new start.
It's over and I'm done.
I give up - darkness won this one...
Wait! Don't say that!
Don't let go!
There's so much you don't know!

Whatever - I know I'll never get better.
You can't fix me - you can't stitch me.
Just let it happen - this is game over...
It's not true.
There's nothing YOU can do.
You're right - you're absolutely right.
There's nothing you or I can do to win this fight.
But in the darkest darkness, there's always a light.

Yeah, right...
There is.
No matter how deep a cut is
there's a way to heal it.

I don't believe it.
There's a way to re-deal.
There's a way to steal back a heart that's turned black.
You can start again.

No way...
Turn your life over to the Son of Man.
Let go of yourself and let Him take over your hands.
He can heal your deepest pain and build you back up to be you again.
Except...you'll be a new you - your life will be lived in truth.
He accepts you, regardless of your past hue
He repaints your colors into beauty completely new.

How could He love...me?
Inside and out I feel so ugly.
If He's so amazing and loving and real
I can't imagine how resentful of me He must feel...
No, no, no.
His love is real and true.
It's like no worldly love you thought you ever knew.
We're all ugly and we've all done wrong
and we've all sinned, time and time again.
But if we let go of our life and hand it over to Him
He fills the Him-sized hole inside and completely changes us from within.
Give all yourself to him!

Wow...where is He?
How do I find him?
How can I be good enough for His perfect love?
You're not - you never will be.
But that's the best part you see!
You don't have to be
good enough.
His love is completely a gift!
For free!
All you have to give Him is your life and your love
and He'll pour out His grace down from our home above.
Wait what's wrong? Why're you crying?

It's just...
This love - it's what's going to keep me from dying.
I want it - I want to live and not die.
I want this true love of Jesus Christ.
How do I get it?
Just ask for it!
Call out his name.
Ask Him to forgive your shame so you're never the same.
Know He spilled His life out on the cross for you
and took your sin and fostered you to be a creation completely new.
He's been knocking on your door.
Just let Him in!
Let Him take you over and you'll never be the same again.
Your sins have been bought and sold.
Just give Him your heart to hold.
He's forever in control and He'll lead you through valleys of shadows and back into light.
Just go wherever He goes, even when only darkness is in sight.
All of what is you and your future - He already knows.
No matter how lost or disgusting you've ever felt like
He guides you and cleans you to ignite the world with His light.
You're now going to live forever in His house up above
and soak forever in His never ending love
and His love is all that is enough.

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