26 October 2010

the Light on Stormy Mountain

I've been slacking - lacking time with you. Sad but true. It's not that I don't love you or like you - I'm just not good at being a good friend like you do. Every time I fail you, which happens all the time, you forgive my crime against you, and pick me back up to climb to where you are. But even when I climb so far, you're still so much further. And on the way up, the weather is not often better than the storm on the sea where you rescued me.Water stampedes down the rocks where I'm grasping to hold on and what I need to see is blurred by the rain that falls upon my already weeping eyes.

As the raindrops and clouds grow massively in size and I'm looking into the soul of a stormy goliath - ready to throw me off a cliff into a pitch black valley, my mind sets itself on finale and the end of me. But my heart knows that you can rescue me. Through who else can truly save a wretch like me who is lost and blind - someone who hides himself and for everyone else, is hard to find.

Too often I'm in the place, this position, on this wet rock being drenched in the sky's fountain and letting hope and faith run off my clothes, over my head, and off my fingers and toes. Even after all you've said to me about trusting you and letting go - I wont let go of the side of this mountain. It's what I climb to get to you at the top. But every time, again you whisper,

"Stop - Let go - Drop into my hands - I will catch you slowly and gently - Just let me."
The storm is raging but now silent to my ears. My eyes widen, filling up like pools when a vision of me falling appears before me - like I'm dreaming. Fear escapes my freaking-out body and my frightened muscles un-tighten. My hands - my fingers, who've held on far too long - to whom Him belong - in slow motion loosen and release my growing emotion. My knuckles, turned pale, wrongfully availed, bloody and frail, get rushed with their true color again - all ten soldiers can breath and fight the good fight like they used to back when this stormy rock was but a hill in the flat skyline. Now me and the rain fall as one. One by one each drop is frozen in line with me while the mountain and storm fall up, up and away freely - crashing into a sea in the sky.

A golden hand of light busts through the monster storm and chases after me. Such a sight to see - a caring hand reaching out, to me...but why? I'm the duplicate to darkness - a disgusting filth of **** and piss with an abyss for a heart - you do not want any part of this. I'm no one to lay upon a kiss.

"On the contrary. You're a work of art, and it's you I miss. You're beautiful and full of love and no one like you exists. Here is my promise."
The hand of light blinded me with its words but I did not look away, for my eyes could see all around me like the bright of day. And softly, gently I was caught from my fall and cradled in a light bouquet, in hands that made my eyes glow - in hands that I knew would never let me go.

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