01 September 2011

Lovely [Foyer]

Are you sick yet?
Are you disgusted?
Is your tongue bitter enough?
Have you bones had enough lazy skin hang over them?
Your heart is obese - your blood cannot move
You're stuck in a hole that you've gotten comfortably into
and content to sit in your own filth
You eat and gorge
and you cant even begin to travel the walls of the canyon
- your long lasted home

Its time to forge a warrior
Refine your mind in the fire
Create a soldier for higher
To birth desire and feed it!
You need it! Do you see it?
Do you see you? Deluded and protruded


But it so happens theres a love thats thickening
around you - that grasps you 
where it found you
Do you see me? Do you see you? Renewed and pursued
I so dearly love you - where you are

But if you're needing freeing
I need reaching through the bars of your heart
They hold you in and keep you far away from me
Plant your toes out at me!
Move your frozen feet!
Just a baby's step to begin
and you'll see me come runnin!

Ive got blue prints for your heart
drawn up for your good
for your dreams and passion 
to do what you should have done in the ages of old
of long ago

But in the dawn as the star wakes your head
my mercy will have already bled from my brow
and spilled down
and shed your foul gown

You are lovely
You're so stunning to me - radiant delicate pleasing
I see who you are
and are to come
Come see me and my heart
Remove your shackles and taste my seal once
Be mine and be free
Be one with me
Love me

31 August 2011


She's like a new layer of flavor
still....and reserved

She only shows when it's dark and cold
but a chilly middle night is the brightest her face glows
The way she floats through lights on boats and streets
Lighthouse lover and concrete needs

You're really just a cloud - a big big cloud
who's fallen down into a silenced. stolen sound


Listen. I hear her....
her voice is all surrounded me
she's creepin down the street
she see's me - she's founded me

the sound's quiet key - path unknowing
every audible voice is so tiny
that their effect impacts and slides and glides through the air molecules
through the middle

She seeps into my marrow when I close my eyes
and walks with me - in me - beside my side
She adores my kind - tickles my spine
cradles the stormiest screams of my mind

Holding my hands and taking a walk
through the smiling light in a winter night's fog
talking.whispers.silent-lippers.shiver-nippers.and little-dippers

Her kiss is still on my cheek
like an icy slope frozen steep into a


you're passed out adorably - naked and breathing
vulnerable, entirely - warm and sleeping
lifefull and
glowing and dreaming
ill stay forever to protect the treasure i'm seeing
in my arms
is deep beauty in being with a heart for beating
a beating heart in a figure of nature before me, exposed
and posed in dire and reaching dearly inside my bones
ive found lost spaces measuring between my chest
and her breast
where blood, soul and love dance wildly undressed


i laid my eyes on You and left them there
laying enveloped and vacant - stared straight into displacement
You embody the being i have dreamed of

i have dreamed a dream
so tightly
shut my eyes
in the night to dream - just to see You deeper and
sleeping well in Psyche's cell
She, Cupid's girl, with four letters to YELL!


Wake us up from both Our dreams and come to me
make 'Ours Truly' as raw as reality can taste
Oh yes! i laid my eyes on You
and there they shall lay till the end of all the days
Not a sea or star or creature could reach here to tear them apart or away
ive lost the way for separation of the light through my windows, cut into rays
glowing and gleaming back from the shape of Your face

i have dreamed this dream of tracing the lines of Your soul inside Your eyes
where 'She' lays - She, her name is Truly
and there You are!
I have dreamed you as Stellar
and here, this You are!
laying sleepful - keeping, pulling my eyes in...still...


and as i laid my eyes on You
this first time, on Your being
lost in the light
I closed them on Your neck, laid on Your chest
and listened. to Your beating.
.. .. ..
resonate the night...


Rain Rain - leave today
all the world is waiting for
the sun to come out to play

Every day it rains
but rain doesn't wash away stains
and rain can't make pain go away
Every night it pours
but rain falls inside the doors
we close to hide from war
Every time the sun wakes
the clouds are here to take
away any light the sun tries to make
Every time the sun lays down
and goes to sleep without a sound
my eyes soak wet like this stormy town

Rain Rain - go away
all the world is waiting for
the sun to come out and play

30 August 2011

Sunshine Show

Clear skies sunrise
Storm pass goodbyes
Dewy damp wet ground
Water running up dried

Clouds pushed aside
Blue day reprise
Cold rain thaw found
Hot front new highs

No more rain on
This lost boy vagabond
This is his way
This is his swan

Dance a sun song
Sing the rains gone
It's a new day
It's a new dawn

Sunshine Shroud

WELCOME BACK, Sunshine! It's been such a long time!
You've been hiding away behind the clouds in the sky
We've missed you so much but please...answer why?
Every morning you climb up your ladder in the East
but recently you've forgotten to light up the world or even try at least

I've been in the dark and wet and deceased
Soaked down by a stormy beast
Why didn't you push it away and make the night day and make the storm go away?
Without your light, life dies away,

Ive been laid on the buffet tray for evil to come and devour my light
that has so little watt left any more
I've shriveled up without you
Empty - Forgotten - Ignored

Every drop targets my head
Oh! I hate the rain and its the rain that's spread into everything
with only more rain to bring ahead

Oh! Sunshine! Dry me off and warm me up!
Spill out the water and refill my cup with brightness illumination
and rainless, dry celebration
sun for me to drink from and become
Photosynthesis - I need light
I'm dead from this constant rainy fight
I need rays tonight

Wait! Why are you leaving, again?!
Where'd you go to this time?
You're leaving lost men in blindfolds searching for something to hold in the sky
You've climbed back down your ladder in the West
and left me to drown in this wet storm-fest
I should've guessed you'd be gone by now

Now, the cover of the cloud is a sunshine shroud

How am I supposed to see with rain falling over my brow?
How am I suppose to survive being drenched again and surrounded by black?
Oh - Sunshine - won't you please come back?

Yellow Light II

From the bottom we only have one direction to travel.
It's only so long that we can bear digging our hands into gravel.
So lets look up toward the sun and not at the dirt anymore
because the battle for the sky starts here from the dirty floor.

Yellow Light

Lately I've been happy
laughing like a sap who's gone mad
Lately I've been smiling
seeing the mirror reaching ear to ear wildly
but I'm glad
My right shoulder feels stupid but my left wants to loop it

For so long I've been in the darkness
sitting alone from happiness and quite far from it
The light in my eye had left and wondered why
there was no power left to fly toward the summit
For too long I'd lost my teeth
and wondered slowly looking up and down my lonely street
like Toodles I'd lost my marbles and my search couldn't be beat

but now I see a bright yellow light in sight on the horizon tonight
I will win this fight - I will find what's lost
and everything will be alright
once this street is crossed


You can tell me it's okay - tell me to let go
and ill know it's true full well
but it's like my emotions keep these feelings alive
to keep me living in my own hell

I can preach a sermon with passion
and believe it full well
but for some reason I don't do the words
and it keeps me living in my own hell

I can stand up and shout from a box of soap to the world about the way to go
and believe it full well
but why don't I follow the way myself
to get out of my own hell

You can say this
ill know it
You can say that
ill know it
You can say the meaning of yesterday
and ill know it
I know the answer solution, but say to me -
why I dance past the resolution on my way to serve my execution I deserve for all my retribution
You can say - but say why


photo beams bright shine up the dusk
like a crown in the sky
the dust in the air isnt what really makes us cry
its purple pink orange and gold fighting over control of the clouds and the view
a friendly scuffle that paints a picture thats every evening, new
they light a fire on the horizon
that spreads and rises until someone realizes whats going on
but no true soul would dare put this out
bona-fide beauty like this is what makes a gap in our mouth
all we wanna do is shout
one word that took my eyes and spun them around
until this right combination locked them on
and found how to fly into what is soon to be night
what better time to fly
if you keep going hotter into the flames all together
youll find a warmth that lasts forever - a sun that never sets
a sky that lets you come - welcomes you in
takes its heat and sets it within
so that when the sun sets youve got a vision of love inside of you
that you cant forget
but for now ive yet to find both my wings or either for that matter
but i might jump off anyway
you might find me insane - crazy - a loony mad hatter
but you just dont get it do you - no one typically does
see that id rather believe i can lift up into the air
then spend my candle-smoke-life with all the typical care - and lack of dare
ill go naked with only the clouds to wear and wind for my hair
and ill stay up there until the sky falls down and tears me down with it
if she'd even think to try it
she knows i wouldn't dream of it
or imagine leaving a state where my soul sets freeing
where my eyes always seeing something real
something to feel with my toes in the sun - running on its surface for fun
be a girl!
bleed the world out!
take off your clothes and shout!
let the show commence!
it doesnt always have to make sense!
be let go!
be yourself again - open your body back up to what it used to be
back when you used to smile
back when your heart was that of a child
back when - back then
lets go back again
you cant just wish it hard and close your eyes
or click your red shoes and hope you find
yourself back "home" in kansas alone
there is your home!
you belong on the road - on the streets of the sky
where the lanes show you where to go but theyre hardly there
because theres such free air all the time!
you dont need me!
you dont need anything!
just believe and jump and take yourself up
the sun is fading - laying down for the evening
you dont have to much more time
if youre keeping yourself land-locked docked and grounded
cock your engine and shoot up like a star
you finally found it
dont be shocked
when you go and
get your soul

The Birds Above Lebanon

all hustle and bustle and moving around
here to there with too many sounds
stop. and take a look around
quiet your mind and mouth
above us are wings on wind and poles
the freest souls
and a fire light show to the left
seen through an eyelid cleft
a needle through a thread to make you stop spinning your blind spinning head

you see chaos and dark moving insanity
but there truly is actually dancing and harmony

if you would stop and stare and listen and see and be made aware
just a few minutes to spare and share a moment
with these free dancers
and light in the west
before you've driven yourself to death and there is nothing left
you think you've got so much to do
that you can't enjoy and appreciate what's truly true

movement and music moves you
where motion may not
let them move you back
the way you've almost forgot

soak in chaos - heat up Tejas

to here to there
you must fly across
and, just, stop.
stop this - start that
no more yellow lights to sit at

let you go the wind to blow to whence you still belong
whence and when and where to there you rise to breath your song

to this simple wire to rest your soul upon
be here among the fire of
the birds above Lebanon

for in an instant, they're so suddenly gone...

Pilot Alpha

Everyone in the nest eventually gets pushed out
And learns what it's like to finally fall down
And we wonder around from town to town
Feeling the winds pick up and gusts draft down
But we most never leave the ground we tread
Some don't even take a peek upward
And their eyes are stuck instead
Inside their face - straight out from their head
Pointed at the dirt - slowly dropping what they believe they're worth
They're docked on the floor of the loose-shaking earth

There was one in the nest I was born in - apart from the rest
An egg hatched right next to my bed that slept next to my head
I watched him leave the nest when the time was right
And move on from home here
And caught him a once a while as he roamed near by
Learning what it is truly like to be outside
But as far as he ever was - he always kept by my side
Dusting my feathers - filling up my mind
Having me grow until there was a chance of mine to try
On a night not distant from the common evening lite
He sat me down in the nest - me on his left and I on his right
Told me that time had changed and its first delights had already flown on by
That he had walked a long road a long time
That his toes were weary and his legs getting dreary
That someday I might feel the sameness in the flesh of mine
That he'd walked in a straightly line and had never stopped try'n
And even still had come to a red brick wall
That wasn't going to move no matter what his measure of strong
That nothing necessarily wrong
But there was a turning point in the movement of his song
That the wall was so left and right long
And as tall as it could be tall
That he could stand and wait for the wall to fall
But this and no other was the option at all

On this night in words to change all our lives
He told me as time had already flown by
Now was the time to fly
That we're not gifted wings and feathers for no reason
Tethered to be grounded underneath some typical seasoned weather
That he had to scale the wall in flight and go as high as the Almighty would grant his sight
To life off this floor with all his possible might
Not to use his legs anymore
Up and over the wall through a new door
And into a brand new life
To soar

I had never tasted vinegar and honey at the same time before
As I swallowed I was filled with deeper more
Fear and pride and love and excitement
Compassion and courage and anger and peace
All together made me sore and apart ripped me torn
A real smile but real gritted teeth
But in the end a moment I'd never forget to adore
And all this soon distance would bring us closer than many and time before
And look up and love him all the more

And so at the wall he stood
With his eyes on the heavens
Ready to go where he never would

And in that
Through eyes of dew
I saw him - he who I thought I knew
Become someone to even his own - something new
With dust and dew in my eye
This again-born-bird looked up to the sky
And grew new wings
And began a-way to fly

But in the same color of an eye
Before the sun had risen high
I saw him and I
Flying together in the sky


push and pull
hear me roar and rip the cord
back and forth
more and more
close the door
the end is war

i will soar up on nothing
no tight rope
no bird folk
the sky is my own
wherever i've flown
let the Name be known
the One who's shown the birds how to fly
and never grow to die

let go of the anchored rope and just try
spread your wings and feel the things
floating on air up so high
where everywhere
looks like night

25 August 2011


To him who overcomes
I will give the right to eat from the tree of life - which is in the paradise of God
He who overcomes 
Will not be hurt at all by the second death
To him who overcomes
I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it - known only to him who receives it
To him who overcomes - and does my will to the end
I will give authority over the nations just as I have received authority from my Father - he will rule them with an iron scepter and he will dash them to pieces like pottery
I will also give him the morning star
He who overcomes
Will be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my father and his angels
Him who overcomes
I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God - the new Jerusalem - which is coming down out of heaven from my God. And I will also write on him my new name
To him who overcomes
I will give the right to sit with me on my throne - just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne.

He who has an ear - let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches 

[Revelation 2-3]

01 August 2011


From afar the storm is art
A shape and form who won't conform to the rules of war
Invading our foreign city
Charging upon the coastal shores of the great divide
But serenity and rocks govern my bride
trotting and laughing at the edge of the tide
giggling at the gigantic invasion of monstrous mountains of water

She is free
Pastelli seized the air

Harnessed an invisible violence beneath her arms
like a toy like a gift
and graced onto its hand
and began to float above the sand
In the corner of her eye the storm's magness began to die
and her teeth became a show for the creation below
A glow began to grow a rose on her eyes
With that the color of her soul was named from the blood in the canvas in the sky
Light shuttered and flushed in her mind
of the death of the past and the night
But her joy was found pouring out her heart this morning
She once did drown and learned to die
and before that once did not even try
But the marks of memory on her left side
prove the victory of the Battle of the Bride
Broken and sinking - her shackles bleeding
And a new brand rose
through the holes in her hands

She is free
Pastelli breathed the water

She finally believed the potter
To drown is to die is to be free is to live is to love
Her dress once was black became blue
and the life and air in her lungs was through
Even the sun had a mask of the horizon
before the glory came true
Her flowy gravestone reminds her of the pain of the night this morning
and the depth of mourning of her eyes pouring from her past
All now gone so fast
The temperature now is roaring
Steam and vapor shooting out from the feet of a pillar standing in the water
reaching a longest stretch down into a nasty abyss
No good could come from darkness and death
No breath is found with the demons of the depth
But not today - not this morning

She is free
Pastelli bleeds the fire

Golden explosion like a rising sun from a coldened ocean
consuming and growing and fusing and showing
that there is One who brings death to life
who's eyes of flames ignited the bones of His pale lover
drenched in a heavy cover
Her heart rages and her skin is red
Her dress is burning in light
Her eyes have spoken and they have said
I once couldn't see but now have sight
I once was grounded but now have flight
By the might of the Sun
my victory has come
Burning flames whipping and snapping and singing
and glowing and growing and spreading
Darkness loses any place to hide
This fire couldn't be put out of it tried
She is vibrant and neon and blinding
Illuminated beyond a power of this remote place
She's just passing through
on her way back to where fire was born
But while she's here she'll open up the fire gates of home
and sing along the melody of the oceans praise of yearning foam
of reaching out unconditionally until PapaDaddy jumps back in the water
Until His breath is blowing beside our windy wings
and He lifts us up once more - our Father of Kings
Once for all and all for One
One for all and all four - one
When the invasion of Kingdom has finished its gallop upon our enemy's shores
and a letter of defeat is signed and sent 
and death is bound in chains forevermore
and buried in graves on the core floor
soon and very soon - the end - my Friend - is near
He is here
and here to burn

She is free
Pastelli leaves the earth

23 June 2011

Misery Bones

When I am without you

I'm stricken in the skin with 
misery bones

A well in my face pilled with a bucket of dust
The doors split and crack like a baby-boy scribble-draft bubble-fuss
The red rivers running slow and cold
and the current feels old
So deep a grief like a green-barred thief
in the depths of a gully between time and space
I rob you with my own sullen face to your face
You let me rape a mirror holding us
but I lock my look-eyes when the doors are closed
and fantasize of memory-thoughts froze
frozen to be broken
But I keep them cold and held to hold until I thaw
Just a step - toward the raw fire - that the dripping can commense
and soften the bark on my skin and heart

Oh these misery bones need a home in your home
'cause they break and they shake and they're alone

When I am without you

25 April 2011

The Ardoration of Sheridan

A barrage of feathers have floated past my cavities of vibration
tickling as they brush by
whispering a story on the wind
Oh! the news they bring - it bleeds!

And layers of a barking tree were opened up before me 
remains of a black inky sap must've spoken with the gentle feathers
because silently they too hand my eyes the living news story

And the ink and the feathers step where they've been and not been before
softly ignited in light made to fight for
made to article and be whisked in the dead of the night to every soul's porch

Oh! Light - I've vibrated at your name
and licked by my eyes
you in the same
But be it so you glow before me around me without a shadow
I bend you to never leave

But my skin confronts me different
Any photon zipping through their brothers
was chucked from a home at which it was conceived
And all though I know they are not seeds
and their rings are grown
their center does not lie 
that they lie amidst young-sized keys 
to heaven

I can listen to the feathers chirp for the ages
and drip with ink for as long as I bleed
but I might as off be walking dead around this spinning grave that I am a strange vagabond to 

I've seen and felt and tasted and smelt this light
but deep within me lashes out
with a sonic ruckus
for a way to the rolling hills of origin
that they may be among us
The vibrative illuminating and boiling oil and ascending wings
were birthed of fire!

Since amidst the lightning - I must be with the sky
and burn upward or at least try to see the morning star
because it's lightless and warmless now

My lonely me and lonely chance is to be within the flame
and dance my guts out!
and shout about!
Or gravitate sharply to my knees 
lacking a move or vibrating breeze
But through any obedient doorway threshold
the skeleton's skeleton's marrow's heart
is sewn together by yarn of love
to The Beginning - spark of true blaze

It's come to me that I was thought for - knitted together in her warm cave for - placed on an aqua rock for
of two rosy drums - mine and The Big One
We're meant to ram and slamma-jamma into eachother's face at such velocity
with such zealous vigor and strain
that all facets and manner appear as one and the same
It was evening and then morning
a first day
A cackling ball of helium and hydrogen
rolled up on two lovers in the hay
hallowing to fall in love again

Oh! me - that I might share thee with the navy rock
The arson of every piece I've ever wrapped my skin in
That thine own shackles were fastened to a tree
the furthest beyond the past of me

Leave the sea for a tide and spend a moon opening your eyes
The sexual depth of a satellite's groping in circles
around the core of its heavenly-body lover
of dovely luminescence existence
in a vacuum
Oh! dearest - how they blaze
With ache for the yearning
I dwell in the gaze

11 April 2011

Polar Bear

i bear shackles of two lovers - one on each wrist
and licked one's lips like a shuttle
the other I betray with a subtle kiss

a sweet water tumbles over my teeth
along side a bitter wine i happily drink
but its poison deludes what purity

i take myths to dinner and flake on truth with lies
i fill balloons with rocks
i author a history of peace with a war-pen
pedal to the medal with my eyes on the prize in the rear view mirror
i speak kindly in disguise 
i walk on stilts so to see the tallness i may reach

and the wax in my ears and eyes 
wanes my will to see your teeth 
or hear your cry
nor taste your tears or thorn in our side
nor touch the hands holding scars
nor smell this burning flesh of ours

down the middle i tear apart
up the center - a torn curtain that started it all

i conquered the wall - but saddled its midst
i hopped the fence - but sat on it to insist
my existence-ness better off to enlist in both armies
and resist falling hardly in love and out of love
and parted from my brokenhearted King

insteading to mend the sharp thread between our stains of red and white

might i let freedom set me free indeed tonight
so as to become an entirety of light
called to fight the good fight
and bring sight to the blind
and light to the darkness
and peace to the mind
hug anger with kindness
and cure deafness with a sound
and as The End walks into town
already have my King be crowned
as a master over my life
as a slave - as a bride


this and that
no. Him
here and there
no. Him
white and black
no. Him
flake and flare

magnetize one way 
bear one pole bare to the soul
only as The Way of old

cross over - wade the Jordan
though the valley and river be walked in dark and foggy
and overrun with towers of men of war
and the land is lush and sunny
and Joshua is swimming in milk
and Caleb is dripping with honey
cross the water

and dont go back
you're home


be one or the other
and bear the love you love
as the only love you love
and be the utmost of lover

26 March 2011

The Zealousy

I run
over many moons
I've run from a distance with my eye on the path
but the path began to drift
and I toward the wrath

the Way began to narrow
and my vessel adopted an apnea for fostering and catering the cratering of my span
I began to implode and run out of road
like a depraved old man of bones

One foot frosty - one foot fiery
but neither of me as either entirely 
and from the tasty lips of a beauty filled mouth
when my strung out tongue asked favor come down
words - as lucid rain for a dried up town - met me
with revolt and violently spewed me out

hence...I awoke

like a terror in the night
my heart broke and soul started a fight

The time for pillows out of newspaper has burned up
Haven't your iris' licked the headlines?
The rooster's hymn has sang three times!
and your eyelids have been falling for meadows of lies

Blue suns wide - I run no more sitting paralytic
My knees wobble and creak but they lock and I rank the chair
and it sits pathetic and weak
and I strip myself bare of all of me there

I brake shackles
I burn flesh
I beat my body and make it my slave
and its master's master thresh me
lest I be rooted in mess
or dressed with the grave

I fix my eyes - may they be blind
with ruthless love throbbing with passion
and wet with fiery zealousy

O Captain, my Captain!
Yell to me a charge from the depths of your heart

11 February 2011


I need you - as always as usual - to turn my heart around
and spin the inside of my veins 
and drain them of my infection

I'm sick
I take a drug that's easy
and it slowly and lovely wrecks me
I don't need it! But oh my God I want it!
Oh my God I don't want to want it because 
I need you
Desire knows the combination
You're the code and I desire to desire
you - only

A work, so magnificent, need be geared in me
Only an existence of ultimate magnitude - infinite - could be considered
Good thing I have this tool in the cavity of my chest
slowly - at a tick of other dimensions - re-arranging a dirty room

Don't you ever stop - no matter how messy it gets - no matter how rusty things grind
You will always find me

under your toes
the only rotten thing ever raised back to life and full

Anoint me with love like smooth oil
but bash the canister over my skull
and crack it open to crack it open

I know it stings

I'd rather die otherwise

I gave my life away a long time ago so that it should sow and be sowed by only Worthy
Pain is irrelevant
Bring me Death and I shall crack with joy

Sorry - I'm not from around here
Just passing through and using the air for speaking truth
and dripping passion in a trail behind me

My home I left twenty years back and I've been walking ever since
but I'm heading back now
Soon as the return of a prince I'm close with

He once took a floppy corpse
six feet under - below all sea level
and touched it
And it rose up and bloomed a new breath
and took a stand and step on top of the waves
The beaten had never died
for the Groom stomped the face of the one who touched His bride
In this world I am overcome with misery 
and drowned under adversity of a backwards current
But I will hold true to The Love 
because it has overcome the world

11 January 2011

Grave Crave

I could be a happy man
but without you
I'd rather die
I could never feel pain again
but without you
I'd rather die

I could travel across the land
but without you
I'd rather die
I could even fly unmanned
but without you
I'd rather die

I could be free to go
but without you
I'd rather die
I could please my heart although
without you
I'd rather die

I could fall deep in love
but without you
I'd rather die
I could spin the stars above
but without you
I'd rather die

I could be stolen of my life
but without you
I'd rather die
I could live and I could die
but without you
I'd rather die
and with my life I will proclaim
the romance of the very name
that gave me life - that gave me love
and deeply love my life will rain

Broken Bow

Waking up to sparrows dancing in the snow
with their feathers lit up from the reflecting glow
Twenty years ago the creek had already known
that their purpose was a show for Me

Sunrises and steam paint on a canvas of wood
seasoned on by a screen of smoke and soot
and a drippy rhythm that knew it should
copy the still move of the beat inside of Me

Vibrating lungs pressed up against quivering strings
on an empty casket with a din that brings
a billion celestial eyes out to see the rings
awing straight through them from my eyes and Me

Still in the middle of the night in the middle of the forest
with my knees in the leaves and a bow and a horse
archers come flying from the West and the North
surrounding the tree that is the back of Me

Blood in my tracks and my hands gone numb
and my broken bow half and an ascending hum
of a foamy mouth choir with hearts of scum
scoffing to the drum of a defeated Me

I thought this time as an ample kingdom of mine
I saw this place as my manifested angel shrine
Now I'm a dead leaf with weapons of a severed kind
arranged on the floor of the forest - ready to leave Me

A wind picks up and lifts a crunchy leaf
and speaks a soothing word over dying and grief
Your weapon is no use and your foe is no chief
Take off your crown and quiver and let your roots be Me

An enthralling lifting of lights by a yawning fire
sweeping away shadows and waking my dwelling prior
revealing a ravished heart in the snow and a broken bow wire
Entirely for me - not from me - beauty is not me
but You