01 August 2011


From afar the storm is art
A shape and form who won't conform to the rules of war
Invading our foreign city
Charging upon the coastal shores of the great divide
But serenity and rocks govern my bride
trotting and laughing at the edge of the tide
giggling at the gigantic invasion of monstrous mountains of water

She is free
Pastelli seized the air

Harnessed an invisible violence beneath her arms
like a toy like a gift
and graced onto its hand
and began to float above the sand
In the corner of her eye the storm's magness began to die
and her teeth became a show for the creation below
A glow began to grow a rose on her eyes
With that the color of her soul was named from the blood in the canvas in the sky
Light shuttered and flushed in her mind
of the death of the past and the night
But her joy was found pouring out her heart this morning
She once did drown and learned to die
and before that once did not even try
But the marks of memory on her left side
prove the victory of the Battle of the Bride
Broken and sinking - her shackles bleeding
And a new brand rose
through the holes in her hands

She is free
Pastelli breathed the water

She finally believed the potter
To drown is to die is to be free is to live is to love
Her dress once was black became blue
and the life and air in her lungs was through
Even the sun had a mask of the horizon
before the glory came true
Her flowy gravestone reminds her of the pain of the night this morning
and the depth of mourning of her eyes pouring from her past
All now gone so fast
The temperature now is roaring
Steam and vapor shooting out from the feet of a pillar standing in the water
reaching a longest stretch down into a nasty abyss
No good could come from darkness and death
No breath is found with the demons of the depth
But not today - not this morning

She is free
Pastelli bleeds the fire

Golden explosion like a rising sun from a coldened ocean
consuming and growing and fusing and showing
that there is One who brings death to life
who's eyes of flames ignited the bones of His pale lover
drenched in a heavy cover
Her heart rages and her skin is red
Her dress is burning in light
Her eyes have spoken and they have said
I once couldn't see but now have sight
I once was grounded but now have flight
By the might of the Sun
my victory has come
Burning flames whipping and snapping and singing
and glowing and growing and spreading
Darkness loses any place to hide
This fire couldn't be put out of it tried
She is vibrant and neon and blinding
Illuminated beyond a power of this remote place
She's just passing through
on her way back to where fire was born
But while she's here she'll open up the fire gates of home
and sing along the melody of the oceans praise of yearning foam
of reaching out unconditionally until PapaDaddy jumps back in the water
Until His breath is blowing beside our windy wings
and He lifts us up once more - our Father of Kings
Once for all and all for One
One for all and all four - one
When the invasion of Kingdom has finished its gallop upon our enemy's shores
and a letter of defeat is signed and sent 
and death is bound in chains forevermore
and buried in graves on the core floor
soon and very soon - the end - my Friend - is near
He is here
and here to burn

She is free
Pastelli leaves the earth

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