29 December 2010

loco motion

but why try to chase a train
they come and they go on a track you cant contain
its all crazy vibrating
its all loco motion

i stand next to a living train
not another thing bleeds shiny fascination 
but what is her name?
can i hold it? can i catch it?
and the flying wind
whispers me
patience, kid
here comes the 10:15 to Georgia
youre the one
i lay in the locomotive river
not hardly partly of the sky can be seen
because gliding above me is a dangerous tummy
and the world could be silent and
the world could stop spinning and 
and the world could care less
she still roars by with an almost-kiss

i see the magesticy far beyond me
the grandest thing so small
sized down by miles - by inches - by minutes - by walls dressed in their
sunday morning clocks 
i need a time bomb

so down the hill
so across the plain
and still sounds vibrate up from the ground
and i catch the beating of the engine of the train

and a damp track is laid from misty eyes down my floody face
and into the thirsty desert deeper
as i gently reach out for her
i pinch my fingers and squint my eye
but i couldnt stretch any further if i tried
and my fingers come back empty with a sigh
and a sad chime of a departing bell
oh well


no well! not well! not okay!
get my dusty bottoms up from the station and run the way!
ive never ran for anything in my life but thats why this is so right!
there is no matter withstanding between my love train and my fight
all cowboys - WATCH ME RIDE!

no horse ever galloped this fast
no dirt ever kicked up this high
no outlaw ever looked so good in a bandanna
and no heart ever longed something so bad
except mine
if i dont catch this train 
my own engine might die
so i ride

no - this doesnt make sense
its loco motion
its chest weaves adventure of a barbarian ghost
from the most least

and this ride is far from the west
this is no western
this train rolls from the East

1 comment:

  1. The Movements Are The Memory Best Kept
    East to West,
    for leading the blessed,
    true meanings behest,
    times electricity travels best.

    loudness in speed, fortune in need,
    castes and creeds, only intelligence bleeds.

    lion ROAR.
    Lucy and Michael Bless you.
