17 November 2010

a brother me

who am i to spout such a thing
to rage a word through the thick of your back
and not already think of the aftermath
a new yawning wound screaming at the raining 
the waning blue moons

i didnt used to do this

who am i to feast on such a thing
as to gorge what my head would illustrate as a pathetically delicious thought
to settle my white tiled wall in the tender of it all

i didnt used to do this

who am i to collar such a thing
thats lucidly yours - dripping off your sleeve
and cast it about my delight and twirl in my fingers
bleed it out and booze my yen
so that i might not be so sunken drunk in my eclipse again

i didnt used to do this

why am i not the pleasant cat from the past
too deep asleep to mind me out of limbo?
not from egyptian blood grounds
but born bred an alleyway and a playful name
youre starving yourself like its a game

i didnt used to be this way

why am i the skipper
to skip and swing around a dark carnalivorous yield
to so freely bite without a fight
i leave my armor on the shelf
and dance on a velvet brick rug with the suite on a ledge
i do my foolish fumbling on the hedge

i didnt used to be this way

why am i that i want to cry
that a drought through the window stained lustrous
came breathing
when gray had forgotten cousin blue
oceans to oceans - dust to dust
must i be a weep or bust

i didnt used to be this way

where am i
who are you
dont i know you
i thought i was me
i am not the me who i used to be
who i was to be - who i am to be
i am not me

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