21 September 2010

My God is YHWH | III

I've reached the peak
I'm at the cave
Why have I come?
What reason have you saved me?
What am I doing here in this pale frigid hole?
What is the become of my role?

They've turned their faces

and left a life to hide
I am dripping with zeal
and the world is dry

When I ran I ran

from the bodies of my friends and brothers
Not one is left besides me
Not one of the others they drained blindly

I was alone back then - I am without me

In the thick of an abandoned cavern drought

occupied already with iniquity and doubt
moving through the gloom - replacing the room
was a light that gently called me out

Out of the mouth of the cavity

I heard out of the mouth of the light
a word that spoke of a passerby
One so glorious and almost in sight

So I walked out upon the shelf

and stood static as all voice and gesture fell
And in the thick of utter still
the elements around me began to swell

A spinning fury of breath I breathe

came roaring around the mountain sweep
It choked the rock and crashed the stones
Threw walls of mount like breaking bones

But in the gust
that spun my eye
this chaos was not the passerby
Then from the sky came fleet torrent
As a sea were screaming the mountain bent
and rushed the air away the place
and washed away the mountains face

But in the flood
that drowned my eye
this chaos was not the passerby
The angry slope then held its floor
to stir the upland to its core
and split and crack and rise and shake
and rock the ground like giants quake

But in the fault
that cracked my eye
this chaos was not the passerby
In a final rage of declaring war
an explosion of irate lava poured
and ignited the skin of this weathered tower
and scorched the rock beneath flaming power

But in the blaze
that singed my eye
this chaos was not the passerby
I looked far into the mountains eyes
This was a rock I no longer recognized
The foot and path had been scared from empty wrath

My drumming chest took a deep breath

and still stood still in skipping death
For the soft moment that chaos slowed
a meekly passerby
gently spoke

I crowned myself in humble weave
The mouth in awe of Glory's eve
and known I never had been alone
My God is YHWH - my whisper King

He is - I Am - without me

My God is YHWH | II

Forty days and forty nights
I've walked these legs with all my might
through the vast deserted dune sea
all the way from the shady broom tree
where I thought would be my final place
there and angel brushed across my face
and hushed my prayer for death to reap
and woke me from a deadly sleep
and lay me food to eat
and gave me might
forty days and nights

Until the moment when my shadows and me

reach the mountain at the end of the sea
I wondered me alone
but I am not without He

And at the highland that holds up the sky

I breached the sand and began to climb
Bare below my stifled knees
for the tread below me was warmed holy

I passed a tree beside me

along side the path - a glowing fern
The tree had been set alight
but the tree did not choose to burn
For the angel that fed me
underneath the shady broom tree
was sitting with my brother shadow
on this hallow - inside the tree
making it beam so that I could see

And the gleam lit up a wall

that had been chiseled into
And I saw from this wall
a weary law soon to be made new
by my other shadow in his bloody hue

And from then on I knew

from the shadows and the trees
that I was not alone

I am without me

My God is YHWH | I

I'll climb up to the top of a mountain
All the way up confused and doubting
Alone and surrounded by empty air
Broken and weak - in need of repairing

I just walked a couple hundred miles

All the while no food to sooth my aching legs
My body feels torn to shreds
Stained orange-red
Begging to be where I am to be
and finished from drowning in this sandy sea

I'm alone again - I am without me

I tread and trot in line of the sun

Fed by fire and blazed undone
My mouth my hands my feet walking through this duney sea
As dry as the brook that was supposed to quench me
As dark as the ravens that were born to feed my teeth
Both are gone now

I am alone without me

But there is another whom I've never met

But is as dear as a brother
and here still yet
He has walked before me
through this voided sea
and has pained the pain of these weary knees

He is a shadow walking behind me

Touching my skin with shade
With me all along as the light begins to fade into a dreary night song
He helps me keep moving on

But there is one other whom I've yet to've met

But is as close as my blood
and has paid off my debt
He will walk these miles
as the shadow and me
We are alone without him and he without He

And as I go I realized

I am not truly alone

And I climbed up to the top of the mountain

All the way up fused and shouting
Grown and surrounded by ample air
Kept and complete and entirely there
Finally out of the vacant sea

I'm not alone - I am without me